AK Party Manavgat District Organization's third congress was consolidated on Sunday, 19 October 2008 in Manavgat.Nejat Tigli was elected as County President in AK Party Manavgat District Organization's third Congress that Minister of Justice Mehmet Ali Sahin, AK Party Vice Chairman Egemen Bagis, AK Party Parliamentarians and several guests attended.

Minister Sahin, during the seminar, mentioned the actions of the terror sympathizers' protests in various cities in the last days and he said that there were people who did not want Turkey's development.

AK Party Vice Chairman Egemen Bagis said: "We are accepted for United Nations Security Council. This is an historical event. An event we will tell our children." Bagis, who told that till now we were the audience, viewer of the game, added as : "But now we are one of the 15 countries that will decide on for which country, sanction, embargo will be applied; peace forces will be send or not. There is no any better prestige in foreign affairs. The person that deals with foreign affairs of the main opposition party said: 'we will see whether they will enter in direction of the great powers or not.' These CHP members confuse everything with water, backwash because they always suppose that they are in a boat. There is something they can not understand. Turkey is no more on that kind of a boat that they understand. Turkey is like a transatlantic ship, there is not any ocean that it cannot enter."

Bagis, who told that Turkey is one of the great powers of the world, concluded his words as: "AK Party is not a party that dictates what people should think about. We are pleased with them. They should change neither their Chairman nor executive board members."