The film "Kurtulus – The Steamship that Carried Peace" debuted in Cevahir Hotel and Convention Center Istanbul on September 10th. Based on a true story during the WW2, the film/documentary is about a steamship which carried food aid from Turkey to Greece, during the Nazi invasion of Greece in WW2 when the number of deaths were rising incredibly due to high levels of famine on the Greek soil.

Among the supporters of the documentary was Mr. Egemen Bagis, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Istanbul 2010 European Culture Capital initiative. The film was directed by Erhan Cerrahoglu.

Touching upon one of the most sensitive stories of the War, the film presents the bridge of friendship that was constructed during the hard times on the two sides of the Aegean. With the humanitarian food aid collected from volunteering Turkish citizens and carried by the steamship Kurtulus from Istanbul to Greece, many people on the other side of the Aegean could survive and did not starve to death.

Egemen Bağış assesses the importance of the story by these words: " ‘Kurtulus' reminds us how humanitarian values bring -beyond the relationship between Turkey and Greece- together two peoples that have shared their cultures for centuries."