Ahmet Akarli and 6 leading financial market experts from Europe and USA visited Mr. Egemen Bagis at AK Party Headquarters. Specialists asked questions about the closure case and mentioned their concerns about the possibility of party's closure and especially the rise of inflation rates and ambiguity of financial policies and told that the changes in the economic targets scare the foreign investors.

Specialists also asked if there would be a chaos in the society. Bagis answered "Whatever happens we will not be the part of a chaos. The reality is that closure cases are being processed against two parties which represent 90% of the South East Anatolia. One of these parties is DTP, the other is AK Party. This may make the people of that region feel like they are being drawn out of the system. We are responsible for the stability and security of our country and we know our responsibilities, we determine our position by knowing these facts. Throughout the history Turkish voters want to punish or reward themselves and the react seriously whenever some others try to take this authority from them. Turkey has gone through many difficult processes; we will also get over this one. Turkey is the right address for investments.