AK Party Vice-Chairman Egemen Bagis evaluated the article written by the director of Washington Institute of Turkey Console, Soner Cagaptay in the article that he sent to the editor of the Newsweek.

Egemen Bagis, noting "Turkey and US are strategic allies. Leaders can be change but strong relations and our common benefits are permanent" also acknowledged George Bush for his supports and contributions for the relations of Turkey and the US. Determining that they also expect working closer with Barack Obama's administration, Bagis criticized the article of Cagaptay published in Newsweek. Bagis inscribed the following:

Despite this framework, the tearfulness chart of Soner Cagaptay, which is full of slander, is as the level of the letter written to the White House by the primary school student. By the level, it's seen that the writer is imaginative and he is inspired from the books that he read before sleeping. The scene of burning the witch, that is aforenamed in the article, will be evaluated as a need of medical treatment. I will not let such slanders to my country and government. Soner Cagaptay should read the document, published weeks ago by the team of Obama-Biden instead of writing meaningless letters to the president.

The document, titled as "Reconstruction of strategic cooperation with Turkey", diagnoses the Turkey-U.S.A relations correctly and shows that the new administration has a good cooperation perspective with Turkey since the election campaign.

Cagaptay tries to twist the matters childly with unawares of Obama and Bidens' views about Turkey. I do not believe that the new president Obama will care the bluster about this tardily 'child of halloween '. If there is an opposition for America in Turkey, its cause is not AK Party but the friends of Soner Cagaptay. Soner Cagaptay desperately looks for a monster in the Turkey-U.S.A relations. In fact, to find that monster, it is sufficient to look at under the bed before sleeping.