Bringing together Turkey and worlds leading politicians, scientists, bureaucrats, business and cultural leaders, Forum Istanbul convened for the 6 time on 10-11 May 2007.

With the participation of approximately 120 speakers, a road map for Turkey in light of worlds recent developments was tried to be laid in three themes under the headings of "Turkey's advancement strategy under the light of global developments", "Energy's place in the world and Turkey", "The new regional power balances and Turkey: Policy Options".

Speaking during the session named "The new regional power balances and Turkey: Policy Options" Egemen Bagis noted that there has been no argument between religious and secular people, but the actual matter at hand is the argument between those who want more democracy and those who want less democracy. Cautiously trying not to use the phrase "friction", Bagis continued to note that as a young representative he tissss's the opposition that has made this word almost a slogan.