30 Knight-Wallace Fellows, a summit where journalists from the USA and rest of the world come together as a part of a program carried out by Michigan University and Knight Foundation, visited Vice Chairman of AK Parti Mr. Egemen Bagis at AK Party Headquarters with the initiative of CNN Turk Editor-in-Chief Ferhat Boratav. Mr. Bagis informed the guests on Turkey's foreign policy and he assured them that Turkey is supporting to build a stable and peaceful atmosphere in the region and this support will continue.

Mr. Bagis stated that AK Party is the ruling party of Turkey for almost 6 years now and with the developments that took place Turkey has become a powerful and prosperous country. Mr. Bagis also mentioned that they are always open to constructive criticism but sometimes they are exposed to unfair criticism. After his speech, Mr. Bagis answered the questions of the journalists and underlined again that there is no alteration from the path and Turkey will always be the pioneer for progress and developments.