A view of the meeting room

Upon invitation from the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) President and Malaysia Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmet Bedevi and OIC General Secretary Ekmelettin Ihsanoglu, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and a delegation including Mr. Bagis, visited Kuala Lumpur on August 2nd, to deal with the Israeli invasion issue between Israel and Palestine which started when Hezbollah kidnapped 2 soldiers and killed another 8.

With the participation of 18 heads of state and prime ministers, a call for Israel to put an end to its attacks and for the establishment of peace was issued in the summit. Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Sinyora participated the summit through teleconference and explained his country's current condition. Hence, The 7-article peace plan he offered was accepted in the summit.

In the diplomatic circles, our Prime Minister's 6-hour stay in Malaysia was interpreted as the concern Turkey has about the issue. Mr. Erdoğan had attended only the first day of the Supreme Military Court meeting in order to participate in the summit.