AK Party Vice Chairman Egemen Bagis said "I do not believe that AK Party will be closed"
Bagis reported ‘I believe that our 11 judges who sit at the Constitutional Court will come up with taking welfare, stability, economy, foreign policy, EU process of Turkey into consideration together with the successes in 6 years. I do not believe that AK Party will be closed.'
For the question on recent political tensions in Turkey, Bagis replied ‘Our legitimacy has been leaning back to the power that was given by our constituents. We are devoted to democracy and we want everyone to respect democracy. Democracy is an art of tolerating the others and Turkey has been learning democracy practically. Turkey will always move forward. Neither Turkey nor the World do not go backward. Turkey is a democratic, secular, social State. At the end of that ‘distressing' process, I strongly believe that Turkey will come out more powerful. Turkey overcame many problems and it will also overcome this problem. At the end, we will be a society in which mutually respectful, supportive people live within a peaceful atmosphere. That is the only way for success. When we look at successful states in the World, it is obvious that they could succeed in coming together with the aid of their shared values. We, AK Party, try to realize this.'