Interior Affairs Minister of Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Wolfgang Schaeuble attended the conference "The Integration of Turkish Migrants in Germany" which was organized by the AK Party Department of Foreign Relations with contribution of Konrad Adenauer Foundation's Resident Office in Turkey. Numerous Deputies, Ambassadors, and foreign mission chiefs attended the conference which was held on the 4th of February at the AK Party Headquarters. Bagis, relaying his opening speech, wished his condolences for the 9 Turkish victims of the fire tragedy that happened on the day of the conference in Ludwigshafen, Germany and emphasized the positive results of the integration policy of Turks living abroad. "Turkish people who were seen as cheap labor before, now have become the constructor power that is contributing to the countries. They are living like Ahmet Ertegün, Orhan Pamuk, Hidayet Türkoğlu, Mehmet Okur, Cem Özdemir, Muhtar Kent, Kaan Terzioğlu, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Öz and Hamit Altıntop." Following the short welcome speech Bagis presented a tableau to Minister Schaeuble where his name was written in traditional Turkish calligraphy art.

Following Mr. Bagis, Mr. Dirk Troendle, Vice Chairman of The Resident Office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation's Turkey Office emphasized the importance of the language education.

Interior Affairs Minister of Germany Dr. Schaeuble talked about the integration plan of the German Government and said "The foundation is integration, not assimilation. Especially for the children. They should speak German in order to have equal opportunities in the society. For this issue, there are activities organized by municipalities, language courses and individual advisory services. We have sorted 155 million Euros just fort his issue." Dr. Schaeuble noted that there are Turkish origin businessman, directors and scientists, but they needed more engagement and participation. He also stated that migrants should be seen as richness of the community.