Arif Mardin


Arif Mardin, winner of 12 Grammy Awards and also known as the most important music producers of the 20th century, passed away on June 25, 2006 in New York. The funeral ceremony was held on July 5th -Wednesday- at Tesvikiye Mosque in Istanbul, and he was buried at Karacaahmet cemetary the same day.

Born in 1932 in Istanbul, Mardin studied at the London School of Economics, a well respected university in London, and continiued his academic career in New York with scholarships. Mardin, who discovered some of the biggest names in the music world –ranging from Norah Jones and Chaka Khan to Roberta Flack to Raul Midon- was a commendable name for Turkey.

Following the funeral, Egemen Bagis, a dear friend of Mardin and an associate during his presidency of the Federation of Turkish American Associations, stated: "I'm also here to relay the condolences of our Prime Minister. Mardin was our culture ambassador, who represented Turkey abroad in the fields of culture and art very successfully. It is my duty to be here as an old friend and an Istanbul MP in the funeral ceremony of culture ambassador who promoted Turkey." Egemen Bagis, expressed his condolences to Mardin's family.